Topo : Ingles : Cyber Sex


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Cyber Sex

"Cyber Sex"

At the beginning of the semester this year, my roommate and I got into a discussion about the wildest things we had ever done.
My life being rather boring, my roommate did most of the talking. She told me about a terrible experience she had that knocked me halfway off of the bed.
And with the sick sense of humor most people have, I thought you would all appreciate this as well.
I asked my roommate if I could write it up and she said I could as long as I changed the names around, so I didn't use her name here it is.

An anonymous girl, let's call her Jen, is a junior in college attending school in Colorado. Like all college students, she was wrapped up in the partying and the wildness of being away at school.
Jen is a computer science major and always has a lot of work to do on the computer. So when she's not out partying, she'll be found on the dorm room floor, working her butt off designing computer programs and installing software.

Having recently broken up with her boyfriend, she was home alone on a Friday night for the first time in the three years that they had been together.
Feeling sad, alone, and depressed, she decided to make a new homepage. While she was playing on the net, she decided to get on a chat-line.
Being the wild psycho that she is, she logged onto a sex line. Over the line she met a guy named "Jeremy". She started to play with him, gave him a false name of "Katie", and started getting into details about what she would like to do to him with her tongue.
He responded by telling her to picture herself naked while his hands roamed over every inch of her naked body. Soon they were having cyber sex.
This went on for a while, and then she got off line agreeing to meet him on the net the next night.

Saturday night rolls around and Jen, as "Katie" is online with Jeremy again. They became even closer this night, and continued like this for a week.
At the end of the week, they started talking about their hopes, feelings, and what they expected out of the future. But Jen didn't tell Jeremy that she was in College because she didn't want him to think that she was immature.
She felt guilty but after a few weeks she found she really liked this guy.

Their virtual relationship carried on like this for months, and the months eventually turned into a year, they had exchanged their most intimate thoughts, but had yet to have even one telephone conversation.
They were afraid it would ruin the mystery. "Katie" and Jeremy had done everything sexually possible over the net. They were affectionate as well, waiting for the day that they could someday be together.

Finally, the time had come: they had to meet each other. They were in love. They didn't care about age, or looks, but only for each other. Jeremy told "Katie" he thought she could be his NEXT WIFE.
Jen was wary at this, but decided she didn't care how old or ugly he might be. She loved him and he was the only one she wanted to be with for the rest of her life.
They planned a trip to meet in Vail, Colorado. They were going to meet at a pretty swank hotel, in that town, because it was a halfway point that both could drive to. And they wouldn't need to worry what they had to do to recognize each other.

Jen showed up at the resort first, checked into the suite, telling the lady at the counter to keep the extra key for the additional party meeting her.
She then went up to the room, wanting things to be special she lit some candles and put on some music. She stripped naked and climbed into bed under the covers, deciding to surprise Jeremy when he finally got there.
The lights were out and the mood was right; then she heard a key in the door. She heard someone walk in and around the corner.
She whispered, "Jeremy?"
A voice replied "Katie?"
"Yes" she said.

He fumbled for the light, and then turned it on to see Jen on the bed naked before his eyes. The very next thing heard around the world was the two most blood curdling screams.

Jen covered herself up, and in her most humiliated voice said, "DAD??!!"

Think of what you would do in this situation. Now realize this really did happen. Their lives will never be the same.

Enviada por: Cristiano Caldeira --

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Última actualização: 7-Mar-2007 - 00:52:32